

How to use Hitachi Hada Crie

Hitachi Hada Crie is a cute beauty tool for your skincare.
 It is 100 ~ 240 V, so you can bring that with you go to everywhere in the world! 

Now, check with my Video.
I will tell you how to use this to help your get better skincare.

Creative Commons License
how to use Hitachi Hada crie by effy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://beautyeffy.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-to-use-hitachi-hada-crie.html.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gIEKIzd9R4&feature=youtu.be.


Scalp's Health

Today I will introduce two productions are benefit for scalp's health. Panasonic Hair Dryer EH-NA94.

Panasonic Hair Dryer EH-NA94

In the past time, I did not care about my scalp's state. But in recent years, I have a big problem about hair loss. I have to care about my scalp.  We alway have the adapter problem in Winter. Especially we use more hair dryer in winter. We prefer use the hot wind, but hot wind is very harmful for scalp. Panasonic Hair Dryer EH-NA94 is the production focus on this problem. (Only sell in Japan). EH-NA94 have the heater cold wind alternating pattern. Panasonic experiments show that this intelligent alternating hot and cold wind mode can effectively make hair supple and light sensitivity increase, and also reduce the damage to the hair.

The second foundation is Nanotechnology. Panasonic Experiments show the Nanotechnology can effectively increase the degree of hair moisturizing, reduce UV damage to the hair. You can improve your damaged hair.

The third function is quick-drying moisturizing. If you have the tick hair or long hair, use the EH-NA94 can save more than a 30 percent dryer time. Panasonic Experiments said after use the two weeks, you can see the effectively improve the scalp secrete oil to the scalp to keep cool.

There also have a Demo Video for how to use the Hair Dryer EH-NA94. This video is really helping before I first used the dryer. Because of this production only sell in Japna, so I can't search more other language manual.

To now I just use less than one week, I can't see more improve on my scalp, but I can feel the static electricity is away from my hair. I am looking for more change...

Stay Beautiful!  

About Beauty Deals

Do you remember the crazy Black Friday? The discount from 15% to 60%, even higher made the shopping mall and shopping website alway in busy state. And the Christmas will coming, we have a chance to get more deals! 

For the beauty productions, Sephora is my preferred shopping store. Not just because the a full range brands, but also the more VIB discount code. 
(VIB, your Sephora bank point have to more than 350 points.)

The most important thing is what should we buy? We need get the reviews and more professional advices. Now, I will share some useful information about shopping advices.

First one, is still comes from Sephora.
The 2012  It List

This list is include skincare and makeup. Of course there have other list will introduce some beauty tools.  The list information is base on the custom's reviews and the experience from staffs. I think the results about the list is trustworthy.

For example about the mascaras list. Sephora Favorites Mascaras. I think those productions are all very famous and very easy to use. I love the No.1 on the list, Dior Diorshow Mascara. I would like to try! 
I also have a blog is talking about the mascaras Masacara , hope that can do some help for you.

Other website I prefer is Beauty.com . The special feature is associate with drugstore.com. When you order on Beauty.com, you can earn some point that can use for drugstore.com. Also there are have 20% off today! 

Beauty.com have more brands that you can't find on Sephora. Brands List . Which brand is your most want to know? Which part is your most worried? Please leave your message, If you want get the answer from me:)

Stay Beautiful!  


[Make-up Tutorial] Balloons Girl

Hi, My beautiful friends, today I am talking how to transfer a Balloon Girl. This makeup could use for Halloween and Christmas. 

To complete this makeup, you needs to prepare Black eyeliner and Black eyeshadow, Glitter Glue and 3D Glitter, Fake eyelashes, pink blush and Makeup brush.

Now, Let starting~!

First Step,
Use the black eye pencil to trail a curve line on eyelid. Using the flat brush to apply the black eye shadow, fill of the part between the eyebrow and curve line.

Second Step,
Apply the Glitter Glue on the other part or eyelid. This process can help the Glitter stay longer. Then using the brush to apply the Glitter powder cover the Glue. You can choose any color of powder you like. For this makeup I chose the Silver color.

Third Step,
Using the drama barton eyelashes. Yep, we needs the hyperbolic effect!

Fourth Step,
Using the black eye pencil to creative a circular pattern as your blush. Fill it with the pink color brush. 

Fifth Step,
Now, we need lines to lead our gallons, drawing lines from the corner of mouth to the circular pattern.

Here we done! Are you ready for flying?

Merry Christmas!


Keratosis Pilaris, my bad dream!

When I was a child, I was found on my leg there have some red bumps. When I touched them I felt my skin just like the "chicken skin". My mam brought me to see the doctor but nothing can help me. Even that bumps with grown getting disappear, I still very care about that! Fortunately, I found I am not alone to worried about "chicken skin", is affects almost 50% of the world's population.

Then, what is the "chicken skin"? That is Keratosis Pllaris (KP, also follicular keratosis or chicken skin) is a common,autosomal dominant, genetic follicular condition that is manifested by the appearance of rough, slightly red, bumps on the skin. It most often appears on the back and outer sides of the arm (though the forearm can also be affected), and can also occur on the thighs, hands, and tops of legs, sides, buttocks, or any body part except glabrous skin (like the palms or soles of feet). Often the lesions will appear on the face, which may be mistaken for acne. ( Source WIKI).

I remembered the doctor said, if the hair can comes out from the Acne, the skin will be resume as normal. I think this gif from UCLA can really improve that!

Last week, I found the production from SEPHORA with my friend. It is called Dermadoctor 's KP duty ( link to store ). The production is focus on Keratosis Pllaris. My friend was tried on her legs, and we actually saw the difference! So we bought that and keeping hopeful to start using! 

Why it can be so useful? The KP duty believe that Keratosis Pllaris due to dry skin. So they think when the skin hydration be increased, the Keratosis Pllaris will get improve.

The ingredients for KP duty

And now I am keeping using this KP duty on my legs, I am looking for the effect will be showing on my skin! If have good news, I will share with your guys at first time!

The Video from Youtube

Stay Beautiful!  

Beauty Box

Last month, When I run out my night cream. I don't know which one should be the next choose. I searched online to found the reviews from the other people. But I have to say that is really can't work for me. Then I remembered my friends told me a Box, Beauty Box. This box is more likes monthly magazine, comes once a month with five kinds of Skin care productions. I ordered the brand Glossybox  that is she told me.

Now I want share some informations about Beauty Box with you. 

I choose the top two popular Beauty Box to introduce. There are Glossybox, Glymm,


Because of the company delivers to more than ten countries, include China. That is why my friends introduce this brand to me at first time. But I want to say this box really have the more luxury productions. Those productions from popular brands to Asian brands, even have some unpopular brands.
Of course, the box is difference in  US and China. Every month I will compare the box with my friend, I think the box in US have higher cost effective. 

Price: $21/ Month

The review from Youtube.


Glymm is not focus on skin care, it is include makeups, beauty tools, fragrances, spa productions and nails, etc. I didn't order this box, so I can't say much more details about this box. But when I search the information about the Box, I am already want to own this! From the website, there are have a big difference with Glossybox, shopping single production. On Glymm, you can order the production which your really like, but on Glossybox, you must order the whole box and you will don't know what will be receive until you get the box.

The review from Youtube.

Stay Beautiful!      


[Make-up Tutorials] Oh My Eyebrows!

A few days ago I saw a post from Chinese website. That's main idea is a chinese girl who imitate Tang Dynasty's makeup. That's very excellent and made me felt how important about eyebrow! I have a picture to show the style of Tang Dynasty's eyebrow.

Eyebrows looks like not important, they just standing there. 
Actually, a pair of beautiful eyebrow will help you getting prefect!

How to design your owns eyebrow?
There have so many kinds of eyebrows,
how to choose the right one for yourself?

If you just for the simple life make-up, the shape of eyebrow is so easy! 
First, you need to locate three point,
begin brow, point of arch and end brow.

How can you found these three point?
Use your nose!
See the photo with A, B and C.
Use your eyebrow pencil as a rule,
two points make sure a line

A line: 

the alae of the nose and the corner of the eye 

B line:
the alae of the nose and Outside the eyeball

C line:
the alae of the nose and the outer corner of the eye

Now, according to your hair color to choose you eyebrow pencil's color.
fill the gap smoothly, 
lightly at begin brow and layer by layer to fill it.

Practice a few times, 
To find the most suited to their eyebrow!

Stay Beautiful!