

[Health] Wheatgrass

The benefit of Wheatgrass is so famous. It provides chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. (wiki link).

I prefer grown and juice it by myself. It is easy to do and better for absorption of nutrients. Because you should drink in 30 mins. After 30 mins, the nutrition will be lost.
To take care of plants is another way to enjoy life. Especially for our health. They grow up day by day, You take care of them, but also  getting closer the beautiful. 

Love Life, with smile :)

For crop wheatgrass, I chosen the organic seed. 
It's different from the Catmint! Please be careful~LoL

  • First, We need to soak the seeds. Above 12 hours in winter.
  • Second, air-dry seeds.
  • Then, Put them into the soil, and cover the surface. Keeping in dark until seedlings coming to the fore.

After 7-10 days, You can enjoy your harvest! See my wheatgrass, I was so sad when I must to cut them!

Cut them off and start juice it!

When you start to juice it. The point is You can't use the Juicer. 
The best way is wring. 
There also have the Specialized tool, Wheatgrass juicer. 
(check the photo)

The wheatgrass juice I got

Of course, you can mix it with honey, apple and lemon. 
It's up yo your taste!


Stay Beautiful!

